Thursday, May 26, 2016

Spinal Tapping

Tomorrow Jim will have his first spinal tap to analyze the fluid for certain proteins that are markers for MS (and maybe other things?). He's nervous, but knows that it could lead the doctor to a diagnosis. He's also taking Lyrica (just started last week), which seems to be helping with the pain although it's a little early to tell. Lyrica comes with a host of potential side effects, so we're staying watchful for those, specifically depression (this just keeps getting better!).

And in other news, Jim's mom's health seems to be declining, perhaps due to early Alzheimer's. Her memory is very bad and based on a friend's description, she sounds quite confused. So poor Jim is dealing with his own pain and medical mystery while his mom is deteriorating. We'll go visit her on the East Coast in a month to see how she's doing.

One thing at a time: fingers crossed that the procedure goes well tomorrow.

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